April Alien Invasion Contest!

April Alien Invasion!!!

UFO’s, Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Martians, Intergalactic Beings … whatever you want to call them … they show up when you least expect them … and therefore .. so has the April Sketch to Win Competition!

Little late, yes. So apologies and now get those entries in! There are cool prizes waiting for the winner!

April Prizes:

-Sketch Theatre T-Shirt
-Gift Certificate to Bud Plant’s Art Books
(you can shop online and get your comic fix, sweet!)


Rules and Regulations:

  • The Sketch Theatre “Sketch-to-Win Contest” is a monthly event, we’ll select and publish the winner the first week of the new month.
  • The Submitted image should use the following naming convention; firstname_lastname_imagetitle.jpg
  • It is absolutely imperative that the drawing submitted is an original piece of artwork created by you.
  • Your sketch must be no larger than 1MB – Scanned Sketches only – no digital or enhanced images.
  • Only 1 submission per month, per person
  • Selected winners name & winning image will be posted on the news page of the Sketch Theatre website.

Get your entry in by April 30th!
submit sketch button
