Scott Glazier 01

Artist: Scott Glazier  |  October 1, 2011  | 

Check out Scott Glazier’s captivating ST debut with Puscifer shouting out to some classic Love and Rockets.

tumblr_landqyv3Sr1qagkm1o1_500 Puscifer


  1. Chris B

    Awesome! was the media used oil?

  2. Lily Feliciano


  3. DDT

    Love it! Have sat for you but have never seen you work from beginning to end…watching a painting be born..

  4. Eric

    Scott was my roomate and great friend from the Air Force back in the early 90’s. I want eveyone to know when I left him he had just begun his quest to become an artist and man of the world. Believe me when I say I had my doubts about becoming an aritist. However, what you have to understand about Scott is is complete dedication and laser focus to accomplish his goals. He forever changed my life (in a great way) and continues to inspire me to be …well, ME! You can not know Scott and walk away unchanged. I am also a proud owner of his tattoo art, and anxiously await seeting him at the end of this month to continue our art saga! I’m proud of you Bro!

  5. SERPO

    That’s fuckin’ dope, dude!!!

  6. Dacia

    Lovely to watch. And I like Eric’s comments, too.

  7. Budding Rose

    VERY kewl Scott!! thank you for sharing a little piece of yourself =)

  8. Mark Z

    It’s cool watching you at work, Scott, hope to see more!

  9. Janny

    Scott, sitting here with uncle Ed and Betty jessica and cliff and we all loved the video. Thank you for sharing. Sending love and hope all is well

  10. Nicole

    This was simply amazing Scott! And I LOVE the music choice!

  11. k.v. khai

    ii strive to be as great as you – freakin’ AWESOME job!

  12. GrayBeard Alpha J

    I am interested in purchasing a print of this painting….can you steer me to a site that it is available to purchase off of?

    Thanks- G

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