Tatomir Pitariu 01

Artist: Tatomir Pitariu  |  November 23, 2010  | 

Welcome Tatomir in his ST debut, coming from two mysterious lands, Transylvania and Los Angeles, he exhibits the best of both! Tatomir selected a befitting tune from Finland’s Folk Metal heads Korpiklaani to accompany his debut sketch video!

korpitales Korpiklaani


  1. Chris B

    that was a perfect combo!!

  2. Big Tasty

    Yay! Tatomir’s a talented Bro!

  3. sorin

    Great! Big talent!!!

  4. Jake

    Really, really good!

  5. Michael Z

    Awesome! Looking forward to seeing your Personal Exhibit on December 4th at Hyaena in Burbank!

  6. -AP-

    That’s really nice. It’s got kind of a Jüri Arrak-vibe going on.

  7. SERPO

    That’s dope!

  8. Dorin

    Excelent! Outstanding sketch.
    Intense song, and great psychedelic imagery.
    Go! Go! Go!

  9. Dana, NY

    We see the inside beauty in the divine language and perfect form of freedom. Tatomir is unfinished, yet flowing to completion in a permanent self inquiring process.

  10. Miss Ravenz

    I especially like his style because I live inHungary and my relatives come from Transylvania, and I can really see how the beautiful history and nature of the Carpathian Basin influenced his art. Rock on!

  11. TeknikaL

    Tatomir has just become one of my favorite artists on ST. GREAT work beautifully illustrated finite details, great job.

  12. Nina1305

    freakin’ A! i luv it, this was awesome! great illustration! 🙂

  13. DH

    Excellent work Tatomir! Can’t wait to see the next one.

  14. -Idojima-

    Very nice music went well with this piece.

  15. Sara F.E.

    I love it, great sketch piece!

  16. idrawoneverything

    Stupendous drawing my friend, I am a huge fan of the twisted, surreal splatter of a human like organism that you’ve created, I would like to see a three legged bird slash meermoose with walrus fangs wearing a torn tuxedo and a chastity belt around his head, perched apon one of the many branches growing from your characters cranium… keep it up dude, theres no limit.

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