Nick Baxter 01

Artist: Nick Baxter  |  February 8, 2010  | 

Check out one of the tattoo world’s greatest, Nick Baxter’s debut sketch video with a soundtrack from Skinny Puppy.


Skinny Puppy


  1. Aaron

    Absolutely fucking amazing.

  2. jim

    hells yeah! bumpin the scrawny dowg. sick drawring too.

  3. Nate Kraus

    Insane sketch! Great music! Your imagination for your pieces are incredible!!!

  4. Riley

    one brilliant talent

  5. yayo a.k.a absurd

    great artist!!! great style. KINGINK!!!!

  6. yayo a.k.a absurd

    tattoo god nick!!!!!!

  7. franco tomasi

    F……….!!! Amazing !!!

  8. Biko

    Have u applied this technique to your tattoos? I dont think ive ever been so stoked by a sketch before. Fuckin RAD

  9. luca

    porcocazzooooo !!!! bellissimo !!!

  10. Andrew Matela

    it never fails, your truly an inspiration…

  11. Barbara Suda


  12. Glauber Andreas

    beautiful works

    Glauber Andreas

    Brasília DF Brazil

  13. Eric Carl

    Weird ass drawing, I like it.

  14. Mike

    Kick ass work..

  15. -AP-

    Would never’ve guessed he approached it in that order.

  16. Mark

    Love the colored pencil/graphite combo. More, please.

  17. Javid


  18. TRue*

    your work inspires me

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