Miss Mindy 02

Artist: Miss Mindy  |  March 31, 2010  | 

Miss Mindy = fun. This talented artist exudes fun, a synonymous given. She’s also kind enough to bring some to you with her second sketch video, with it, I selected a track from Minneapolis band Communist Daughter, check them out!

l_3a4dc8db32c14fee89138f86eb3600b4 Communist Daughter


  1. Kali Fontecchio


  2. Ellis In Culver City

    That was beautiful. Great brush work

  3. SERPO

    Super groovy! Love your style!

  4. kari~*

    LoVe iT!!! do more…do more!!!

  5. Miss Mindy

    Thanks guys! – I love drawing on super old paper…This was a sheet from my late grandpa Ralf’s paper stash–an old school illustrator in the 40’s. Had no bellybutton. :)mm

  6. Stephanie Roberts

    OOOOh sooo Lovely! I am in love with your satyr lady, such a different look than anything I have seen before. Your lil hands are pure magic!

  7. Rae McCarson

    Love it. You are the cream of the crop miss missy. So happy to be on your list. Keep it comin’.

  8. Estrella Capin

    WOW! That was so awesome. I miss u:)

  9. Brandy Trigueros

    FASCINATING! and oh so sweet! La la love it!

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