Michael Hussar 04

Artist: Michael Hussar  |  March 20, 2009  | 

Holiday weekend is deserving of a special treat and I suspect it’s a Memorial Day weekend Hussar fix you’ve been needing! To kick it off I present you with Michael Hussar’s 4th installment for Sketch Theatre, a brilliant session with a soundtrack selected by Hussar himself, the group is Mozart Khadaffi and it’s a brilliant accompaniment.

mozartkhadaffiMozart Khadaffi


  1. Aimee Kuester

    When you hold you pencil like a paintbrush, and can create the illusion of depth, form and emotion in less strokes than it would take to write a few words, you are a master. Or maybe just Hussar.

  2. Melisa

    I agree with everything the person above has written. Simply amazing!

  3. foreign 74

    Master Hussar!

  4. foreign 74

    you did again! congratulations!

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