Jessica Ward 03

Artist: Jessica Ward  |  March 24, 2010  | 

Jessica Ward creates a mysterious and inspiring third sketch installment brought to life with a track from Boston group, You Can Be A Wesley!

ycbw-album You Can Be A Wesley


  1. The Passenger

    magic, misterious and intriguing as few young artists can be….this is the art of Jessica!

  2. IaIa


  3. Dick Hewer

    Another awesome drawing! Very talented!

  4. dave micinski

    Jessica this stuff is to cool – I am continually amazed at what you guys are doing out there-thanks for sharing—very cool –Dave

  5. Apricot

    Gotta love that hair! Keep em coming Jess, they just keep getting better and better.

  6. Maped

    Hmmm.. I dont like it.

  7. Diane Hewer

    I absolutely adore this, because it reminds of the Sistine chapel of God giving Adam life and to go forth. It’s like a metaphor or analogy of an angel giving life to the bulimic Eve.

  8. Danielle

    Sweet!! Beautiful work Jess.

  9. Jessica Ward

    Thanks for watching!

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