Izzy 01

Artist: Izzy  |  January 27, 2011  | 

Los Angeles based concept artist Izzy in a killer debut, music selection from SF’s late great goth songstress’ Switchblade Symphony!

l_6bd0a7b6b8fe4190845f2f00eb4f67a2 Switchblade Symphony


  1. Lily Feliciano

    this little squid girl makes me so happy!

  2. Allen

    Awesome, i am inspired to master my skills.

  3. Axel

    I totally dig Izzy’s work! Awesome piece here!

  4. Mistah JulezArt

    awesome!! quite orgasmic^^

  5. Rob

    Love it man, its awesome how your good with digital and real media. That’s one thing I definitely want to get at. Post more of these 🙂 And slow it down 😛

  6. Bridge

    Cthulhu Ftaghn Rlyeh

  7. jmalave

    Thoroughly kickass. Well played 🙂

  8. Kate Laird

    so cute! she’s clearly going through her awkward stage.

  9. Charis D

    Me LOVES it!! Cool Izzy, great stuff from you as always. Gonna repost a link to this on my own blog, hope that’s ok. Must spread awesomeness!

  10. sje

    Awesome stuff

  11. Samantha Dennis

    Hello, really lovely, clean and inspiring work here 🙂 thankyou for showing us. I have wondered if you, or someone here, could tell me what kind of marker/pen is used for the initial sketch? It appears to fade away and that looks like a great tool to have 🙂
    Thanks again 🙂

  12. Nyemike

    I love your highlight…

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