Caught a rare moment with Greg “Craola” Simkins recently at his studio where he brought to life his second sketch video installment! Well worth the wait! Brooklyn’s Golden Triangle accompanies with a killer track for that killer shark.

Double_Jointer-Golden_Triangle_480 Golden Triangle


  1. SERPO

    yeah, this is some of the best on Sketch theater in a while. Kick ass, dude!

  2. Dennis Fesenmyer

    agreed, great – what is the white-ish tool he’s using – is that just a blender ?

  3. SERPO

    I it’s a blending stump

  4. Sean

    ahhh love it! simkins is one of my favorites, love this guys imagination and execution!

  5. not needed

    really? that shit is WACK! a blending stump is sooooooo junior high! nice fuckin shark! geez!!! i dont get why people dig this guy.

  6. NeoN

    Simply outstanding. I could have very easily watched this at half the speed.

  7. SERPO

    Uhh… there’s nothing wrong with using a blending stump………….

  8. JoeyJimz

    This man is a insparation to me, I am honored to have met this guy and inspire to some day obtain just a glimps of artistic talent close to what this guy puts out …. Joey LongBeach. CA.

  9. Jeremy

    u need to draw up my next tat haha

  10. Tyler

    how can i download this!!?? this video is AWESOME!!

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