Gene Guynn 02

Artist: Gene Guynn  |  March 30, 2010  | 

Long time coming for a second sketch video from the talented Gene Guynn, for this beauty he chose a song from Department of Eagles, a sweet duet!

Department of Eagles


  1. Aimee Kuester

    So lovely Gene.. well done!!!

  2. Mark Anthony Nunez

    I love this so much!! wish i could draw like this without any reference. Great picture great song.
    Outstanding job Gene

  3. Conny Nordlund

    This is an wonderful sketch!
    But there’s one thing I don’t quite understand; what’s that triangle doing there?

    Yeah well, that doesn’t mater, looks sweet either way.

  4. Trevor Yopp

    This is great! I have a quick suggestion, you could use tape to keep your paper in place and your left hand out of the shot. Can I ask if you used a photo reference? I think it’s beautiful either way. Love the triangle!

  5. k.v. khai


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