Dave Dorman 01

Artist: Dave Dorman  |  March 14, 2007  | 

Dave Dorman Sketch 01


  1. Christopher

    Hello! Name is Chris! I am studying and working on to become a Concept Artist in the gaming industry! I really like your art! Might I ask for a normal speed version of your video and maybe a higher quality vid? I’d like to see your steps if you don’t mind ^_^

  2. lfeliciano

    Hi Christopher, sorry but I can’t release the original video. However Dave will have a tutorial video coming out very soon from the Gnomon Workshop, check the website for more info on it at http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com thanks for the comment! – Lily

  3. kaos

    your sketching technique is amazing !
    i love the result !

  4. Pat .

    It’s incredible to see the hand of genius at work. Dave Dorman is a master and one of a kind. We need more of his talent and art. He’s awesome!


  5. Angie

    Dave has such a wonderful imagination and the rare talent of making it come true in his art.

  6. Mr_Skyfish

    Damn that is Bad Ass!

  7. Denise

    If anyone wants to check out Dave’s blog or new podcast, please visit http://davedorman.wordpress.com

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