Cecil Kim 01

Artist: Cecil Kim  |  April 13, 2011  | 

So excited to introduce you all to the brilliant Cecil Kim, here is his ST debut with a track from Bright Eyes latest offering, The People’s Key

the-peoples-key-art-45a4bc-LST082150-t Bright Eyes


  1. tiago

    Cool .. I like very much yours game concept…brilliant….

  2. -Idojima-

    Wow… That is awesome can’t wait to see more from you.

  3. kim

    totally cool. amazing artist!

  4. Apricot

    Awesome Cecil! Very inspiring.

  5. jmalave

    Most of the drawings that end up on this site seem to be character based (and are totally kick-ass!), but it’s really cool that you brought a scene to the site.

  6. mich

    woaw! amazing! superb! cool!

  7. Fatima

    i just discovered this site and this is the first sketch i saw . I am in love ^_^

  8. Nico

    the sketch and the song are both just beautiful, thank you

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