Carlos Torres 01

Artist: Carlos Torres  |  May 10, 2011  | 

Let’s keep the tattoo heroes theme rolling with a debut from one of the very best, Carlos Torres o1 with music from Oslo, Norway’s Turbonegro

turbonegro-train-of-flesh Turbonegro


  1. Painted Temple

    Carlos, you badass.

  2. MIke D


  3. DR Hill

    So sick….

  4. Roberto Morales

    umm..ya pretty FRACKIN amazing.. great work

  5. -Idojima-

    Pretty awesome….

  6. Alexa

    DAMN!! You’ve gotten to be so fast!!!;))

  7. KiddFairfaxx

    F*ing bad ass!… now excuse me while I break out my sketchbook and stop bs’ing and put in some work! #INSPIRED

  8. Mr.JulezArt

    Outstanding!! i like!!

  9. jmalave

    I feel like my eyes have been impregnated with “awesome.” I’m keeping the baby.


    Awesome… Carlos Torres you’re such a great inspiration… I love your work bro..

  11. jerrygalvan


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