Brandi Milne 06

Artist: Brandi Milne  |  April 26, 2011  | 

She takes my breath away every time. Brandi Milne o6 with music from the lovely Chantal Menard and her Crepe Hangers.

GoldDustVert2WEB The Crepe Hangers


  1. jmalave

    Does my soul good to know that there’s someone out there producing these drawings. So great.

  2. Lily Feliciano

    what a beautiful thought JMalave!

  3. Jemor Campbell

    SOOOO Great, i love this piece, absolutely marvelous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dayne

    That is one Beautiful piece, Brandi. Great work.

  5. Patton Cean

    Beaumois de Mais:
    If only i could see more of your beautiful heart drawing along this sweet melodie, i can just remember if the past will never be the same if i trouble forget all my sentiment for your magnificient fingers brushing the paper .
    You have dive me into a dream so real, i love your art style.
    May I see you soon,one day beautiful idea.

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