Amy Botello 01

Artist: Amy Botello  |  September 22, 2009  | 

Amy Botello sketches out one of her signature femme fatales along to the magic sounds of Neutral Milk Hotel

NeutralMilkHotelNeutral Milk Hotel


  1. axel#13

    awesome piece!

  2. Jessica Ward

    I love your evil birds that you draw.

  3. Valentino

    Not unlike most such videos, this one is accelerated waay too much . One can not really see anything but the finished piece. Pity.

  4. chase


  5. k.v. khai

    omg, this is WONDERFUL!

  6. Patty Botello

    Your work is hauntingly beautiful.

  7. danny r metcalf

    I love your work , is your father Angel Botello artist ?? Thankx for sharing your vision

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